
That’s a Wrap! Presenting- My Final PR Video

This semester I had the pleasure of participating in a project that strengthened my understanding of the Public Relations field. I, along with two peers, spent the entire semester constructing a thorough analysis on Stefanie Griffith, A PR professional for the Marathon Petroleum Company. Our insightful analysis was culminated in a video which I have … Continue reading That’s a Wrap! Presenting- My Final PR Video

Crisis at SeaWorld: Crisis Communication at SeaWorld Following Trainers Tragic Death

In recent years SeaWorld has faced some serious scrutiny over their alleged mistreatment of their captive marine life. Most specifically the public is concerned that the Orca whales at SeaWorld are being abused. Some even speculate that this alleged mistreatment of captive orcas is what led to the tragic death of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau. … Continue reading Crisis at SeaWorld: Crisis Communication at SeaWorld Following Trainers Tragic Death

Facebook Under Fire for Privacy Breach. Bad PR Practices to Blame?

Several months ago, social media titan, Facebook and founder Mark Zuckerberg came under serious fire. In the spring of 2018 it was reported that Facebook had, “revealed personal information on up to 87 million users” to dozens of company partners. Facebook admitted to having known of this kind of data sharing since 2015, and for … Continue reading Facebook Under Fire for Privacy Breach. Bad PR Practices to Blame?